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Monday - November 13

10:00 AM  Pre-Conference Gatherings

Children's Ministry Meet and Greet 

Lake Room North

Hosted by Cristi Moore

This meet and greet space is an open room to intentionally connect with people at Rooted right off the bat. Grab some food and some coffee and join in the conversation.


Youth Ministry Meet and Greet

Lake Room South

Hosted by Savannah Rogers

This meet and greet space is an open room to intentionally connect with people at Rooted right off the bat. Grab some food and some coffee and join in the conversation.


Perspective on Youth Ministry

from a High School Sophomore

Fellowship Hall

Norah Pancoast

This workshop will focus on the life of a high school student and their relationship to youth ministry. Participants will discuss the difference between middle school and high school ministry as well of the importance of understanding the stresses and workloads of the typical high school student.

1:00 PM Workshops

Volunteer Development

Roadside Extension

Emily Felgenhaur

Need help recruiting volunteers? Need help in sustaining volunteers? Learn how to make volunteering in your ministry the best thing your church has to offer! You'll learn how become a magnet for people wanting to serve with you and your ministry!


Managing the Chaos that is Children's Ministry!

Lake Room North

Cristi Moore

Because calendaring and organization sounds boring and everyone knows anyone who works in Children's Ministry isn't boring. Learn how to set up a yearly, or bi yearly calendar and keep all the chaos organized in a way that will work best for you and for your families. This is not one size fits all. Discover a rhythm that works best for your leadership style, your church and your ministry to keep you from pulling your hair out to managing well in the midst of the chaos! 


Managing Difficult people and Hard Conversations

Lakeside Extension

Paula Cocker-Jones

You've heard the sayings, "there are two sides to every problem" and "it takes two to tango." These phrases assume that the person you're dealing with want to resolve a conflict. What do you do when the other person thrives on adversity and drama? How do you navigate that hard conversation with love and grace?

Come join in the discussion as we look for ways to deal with difficult people and how our temperament affects the way we interact with others. We look forward to having a great discussion of encouragement and developing practical steps.


Trauma-Response in Youth Ministry

Lake Room South

Rev. Morgan Whitaker-Smith

This workshop will focus on understanding the developmental and lifespan impacts of exposure to trauma and its impact on ministry with young people. Participants will learn about brain impacts of trauma, signs and symptoms to watch for, and methods of creating a trauma-informed environment. Specific ideas for implementing supports will be addressed. Please note: this workshop may touch on sensitive topics such as abuse, suicide, and violence.


How to better connect your community to your Church Ministries with Young People

Fellowship Hall

Dylan Reed

In this session we will look at some ways that have been successful for me in connecting with local schools, groups, and organizations to help grow and sustain my ministry! We will look at everything from How-To’s, out of the box ideas, and even some things you’ve probably tried with a fresh perspective! After that we will have an opportunity for a Q & A to hear what other people have had success with so we can collaborate collectively! I hope you can join me!


3:30 PM Workshops

Teaching Confirmation

Roadside Extension

Juan Flores

In this workshop will go over best practices to teach Confirmation from a UMC perspective in a way that is engaging for students, parents and leaders.

We’ll look at different types of curriculum and activities to help students and leaders tackle some challenging topics.


Launching your Graduates:

From Youth Ministry to College

Lake Room North

Tyler Karges

The transition from high school to college is such a difficult time for our students. How do we care for them as they get ready to graduate? In this workshop, we’ll talk about the cognitive, emotional, and behavioral needs that these seniors are facing. Then we will brainstorm strategies for youth professionals to encourage these seniors and their families both before and after that all-important graduation day.


Creating Healthy Relationships

Lakeside Extension

Rev. Daryl Allen

Creating healthy relationships is vital for ministry. It also begins with you. To give of yourself to others through relationship, you need to take care of yourself. Otherwise, you risk damaging the relationship from the get-go. This workshop will walk you through boundaries, self-care, and other tips for making sure you can give your best to others, so your relationships will be lasting and strong.


Recognizing and Responding to Trauma in Children's Ministry

Lake Room South

Rev. Morgan Whitaker-Smith

This workshop will focus on understanding the developmental and lifespan impacts of exposure to trauma and its impact on ministry with young people. Participants will learn about brain impacts of trauma, signs and symptoms to watch for, and methods of creating a trauma-informed environment. Specific ideas for implementing supports will be addressed. Please note: this workshop may touch on sensitive topics such as abuse, suicide, and violence.


Tuesday - November 14

9:00 AM Early Bird Workshops

Child and Youth Protection Policies 

Roadside Extension

Angie Englethaler

How to work to best cover yourself, your volunteers, children, and youth.  We will dig into topics like: "What’s the most important things to cover with your volunteers? How do we deal with the social media, texting, and transportation? What guidelines can set our ministries up to be a safe place for everyone?


Out of the Box

Lake Room South

Megan Gallagher

Join us for our Out of the Box workshop where we will be talking about how we can do ministry in unique ways! We will start off by talking about why thinking “out of the box” for ministry is important and share some examples of ways that we can get creative with ministry. We will then have a time to share with one another ways in which you have done something unique in your own ministry. Ministry can look different than a traditional Sunday morning Sunday School whether it is the topic you are discussing, the place where Ministry is happening, or a new and engaging way to connect with your students!


Neurodivergent Inclusiveness in Children and Youth Ministry

Lake Room North

Gesa Barto

Basic ASD information

Challenges to Faith Community Activities

Experience of Many Families of Children and Adults with ASD

Benefits of Inclusion and Understanding

Strategies to support

Creating an Autism Friendly Faith Community


Volunteerism: How to Recruit, Manage, and Retain Young People as Volunteers

Lakeside Extension

Tyler Karges

What makes a healthy and sustainable volunteer program? This workshop will focus on designing a volunteer program for high schoolers/young adults with the goal of benefiting your youth or children’s ministry. We will discuss strategies for recruiting young people and matching them to tasks that honor their skills during such a busy season of life. Then, we will brainstorm building a positive culture that will benefit young volunteers and the middle/elementary students that they are caring for.


1:00 PM Workshops

Academic Grace:

Exploring the Intersection of Learning and Faith 

Roadside Extension

Arden Mitchell 

Join for a workshop exploring ways in which youth ministries and local churches can collaborate with Florida Southern College. Discover opportunities for spiritual growth, community outreach, and impactful partnerships. Through engaging discussions and practical insights, pparticipants will gain a deeper understanding of how to foster meaningful connections that benefit both the academic and spiritual development for young people.


Taking on time management and planning ahead

Lakeside Extension

Justin Rimondi

Have you ever sat in an empty room 20 mins before an event and wondered if anyone was going to show up? Throughout my time in ministry, I have come to learn the importance of planning ahead, advertising and time management. These were probably my weakest areas in my ministry when I first started. Take heart if you struggle with this because you can learn how to do these things and make them part of your ministry routine. 


Temperament and Leadership

Lake Room South

Anna Sarmiento and Lauren Good

We are constantly working and interacting with people, but how do we place people in positions that they will thrive? This workshop is an introduction to the 5 different temperaments and how they work together. The ways that our temperaments impact on our daily lives, our work and our relationship with coworkers, leaders, volunteers, and students. This material has been taught over 3000 people in 16 countries by Aaron and Hur International Ministries.  


Where do I grow next?

Lake Room North

Rev. Brian Lawson

Have you reached a point where you feel like something is missing? Perhaps you've led youth or children's ministry for years, and you're wondering how you continue to grow as a leader. In this workshop, we'll discuss the why, how, and where you can find personal growth and fulfillment in ministry.


4:00 PM Workshops

Rethinking Student Leadership

Lake Room North

Rev. Brian Lawson

Whether you feel led to begin a student leadership program or are looking for a new way to think about student leadership, this workshop is for you. During our time together, we'll discuss the purpose, process, problems, and outcomes we all face in running student leadership in youth ministry.


What is Multigenerational? Is it still possible?

Lake Room South

Vicki Mackey

Whether you have a church full of seniors or a mix of families, how well do they mix? How can we become the community of old where the church is a tribe not us and them? How can we be involved in our communities when we have no kids? There is hope!


Church Culture: Navigating Staff, Supervisors and Expectations

Roadside Extension

Peggy Ingram

Staff Relationships are tricky. It can be a challenge to navigate staff, volunteers, supervisors, and church expectations.  Come to this workshop and learn a few lifelines to help you when the storms come your way.


Involving Young People in the Life of the Church:

A Conversation about Youth as Voting Members at Annual Conference, and their ongoing Connection to UMC Leadership


Joel Pancoast

Who is interested in reshaping the way our young people are involved in the United Methodist Church in Florida and around the world. Our denomination is at a place of redefinition and discovery. How can young people be a part of this process, and how can we advocate for ways to ensure this generation of young people feel heard, are given opportunities to contribute, and find the resources they need to live into their calling?



Mon 10 AM
Mon 1 PM
Mon 3 PM
Tues 9 AM
Tues 1 PM
Tues 4 PM
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